Message from Polish CMC Master Teacher Monika Mokrzyszczak
Now when global safety is becoming problematic, a huge input to improve this situation has each and every of us, families, mother, business owners introducing love and peace values and passing it to education, families so that children can receive it
Monika, our Master teacher in Warsaw, in January this year made our CMC course in her Kindergarten to enlarge the group of thousands and thousand of kindergartens teachers and families in Poland
In the picture are the last 13 CMC graduates .

Thank you Monika 🥰
Coming back on track
It is nearly 2 years since the madness of Covid-19 lock downs and masks started.
We, at Child Connection, are aware of the damage it has done, especially for children’s health and mental state.
So the message we have received from Monika Mokrzyszczak, Principal of Integrative Kindergarten No.45 in Warsaw, about a Children Massaging Children (CMC) course for teachers in Warsaw was like a light in a tunnel. Despite the shortage of teachers and strict hygiene regimes, the demands of parents and students after 2 years were met. Finally the children could enjoy CMC again in Poland !!!
It motivated us to take action for our Kiwi children . During Child Connection Trust executive board meeting we made a decision to bring our next safe touch CMC courses into
1) Foster care agencies/services.
2) Into hospitals for palliative care and for children and children affected by depression.
The picture shows the participants at a CMC course in Warsaw 01 March 2021.